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来源:作文盒子 时间:2024-09-01 13:02




  九年级写化学课的英语作文 第1篇

  Chemistry is one of my favorite subjects. In the ninth grade, our chemistry classes have been both interesting and challenging.

  In the chemistry class, our teacher always starts with some amazing experiments. For example, once the teacher mixed two liquids together, and suddenly there was a lot of foam and a strange smell. This experiment immediately caught our attention and made us eager to learn more about the chemical reactions behind it.

  We also have many group discussions and experiments. During these activities, we learn to work together, share ideas, and solve problems. Through experiments, we can observe the changes of substances, record data, and draw conclusions. This hands-on approach helps us understand the abstract chemical concepts better.

  Chemistry class has not only taught me knowledge but also cultivated my spirit of exploration and innovation. I believe that with the continuous study of chemistry, I will discover more wonderful things.

  九年级写化学课的英语作文 第2篇

  Chemistry class in the ninth grade has opened a new door for me to the world of science.

  Our chemistry teacher is very passionate and knowledgeable. She always explains the complex chemical formulas and reactions in a simple and understandable way. With her guidance, I have learned about elements, compounds, and chemical equations.

  One of the most exciting parts of the class is doing experiments. We put on goggles and lab coats, and carefully follow the steps to conduct experiments. Whether its observing the change of colors when chemicals react or measuring the volume of gas produced, every experiment makes me feel like a real scientist.

  In addition to experiments, we also have regular quizzes and discussions. This helps us consolidate what we have learned and exchange thoughts with classmates.

  I am deeply attracted by the charm of chemistry. I am looking forward to learning more in future classes and applying what I have learned to solve real-life problems.

  九年级写化学课的英语作文 第3篇

  In the ninth grade, chemistry class has become an important part of my study life.

  In the class, I was amazed by the various chemical phenomena. The teacher showed us how different substances react with each other and produce new substances. Its like a magic show that makes me want to explore the mystery behind it.

  We often do experiments to verify the theories we learn. I remember once we were doing an experiment to extract oxygen from potassium permanganate. Although the process was not easy and we faced some difficulties, we finally succeeded under the teachers patient guidance. That sense of achievement was unforgettable.

  Besides experiments, the teacher also encourages us to think independently and ask questions. She always patiently answers our questions and guides us to find the answers ourselves.

  Chemistry class has made me realize that science is full of wonders and challenges. I will keep working hard to learn more about this fascinating subject.
